Superposition vs Entanglement in Quantum Computing

November 01, 2022

Superposition vs Entanglement in Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing, popularized by quantum mechanics discoveries, is an ever-expanding field of technology with numerous application possibilities. Quantum Computing has opened up a whole new prospect of computation by overcoming the limitations of classical computing. The fundamental concepts of quantum computing consist of superposition and entanglement.


In classical computing, data is processed as either 0s or 1s called bits. In contrast, quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in multiple states at once, allowing computations to be performed simultaneously. This is called Superposition.

Let's take a simple example of a bit that can either be 0 or 1. If we apply the concept of superposition, a qubit would hold both the values of 0 and 1 at the same time, allowing us to perform computations on both values simultaneously. In contrast, classical computing can only perform operations one after another.

The principle of superposition allows a quantum computer to perform calculations faster than traditional computers, with the potential to complete complex calculations in seconds that could take traditional computers years.


Entanglement is the ability of two qubits to be connected in such a way that the state of one qubit affects the state of the other qubit, regardless of the distance between them.

For example, if qubits A and B are entangled, measuring the state of qubit A will instantly determine the state of qubit B, regardless of how far apart they are.

Entanglement is crucial for quantum computing, as it allows for multiple qubits to work together, allowing for more significant computational power. The use of entanglement has the potential to multiply the computing power with each additional entangled qubit.

Superposition vs Entanglement

Superposition and entanglement are the two fundamental concepts that enable the computational advantage of Quantum Computing. While superposition enables a single qubit to perform an abundance of calculations at once, entanglement allows for multiple qubits to work together to perform complex computations.

Comparing the performance of these two fundamental concepts of quantum computing is tough because they work hand-in-hand for complex computations.

Think of it like a relationship; it's hard to say who is better as an individual. It's when two individuals come together that their combined strengths create a harmonious bond.


Quantum Computing is continuously developing, and it's only just the beginning. Superposition and entanglement are two fundamental concepts of quantum computing, and the computational prowess they offer is extensive. Their combination and use have potentially exponential computational advantages, with the potential for revolutionizing the computation process as we know it.

Keep tuned into developments in quantum computing, and who knows, in the future, you may have a quantum computer-powered device in your pocket!


  1. Quantum Computing | IBM,
  2. Quantum Entanglement | PhysicsWorld,
  3. Quantum Superposition | PhysicsWorld,

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